Dunkelheit to be performed at Larry's Christmas Cabaret!

A new exploration of the word Dunkelheit and how to portray it through language and tasks unknown to the audience. The borders between language and the ever revealing pantomime, theatre and movement.
My birthmother Ulli Groppler has expereince in Pantomime and has only started dancing last year taking my Adult Beginner Contemmporary Dance class for women. It has been such a pleasure creating with her and learning from her in a perfomance setting. Giving her the first expereince of performing in 30 years within a dance community I know so well. We had the pleausre of performing Dunkelheit: a serious comedy at After Dark, a fundraising evening for the amazing group of women Jillian Peever, Jordana Diveo, Jesse Dell.
You have another chance to see it! With some developments!! A new piece still in creation and still a work in process DUNKELHEIT: a serious comedy will be performed at Larry's Chrismas Cabaret on December 19th at The Citadel.
The Cidadel 304 Parliament
Doors open at 8 pm
tickets are $15
Check out more at the facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/410438172499636/
Hermann Hesse's poem Im Nebel will be heard among other things
Seltsam, im Nebel zu wandern! Einsam ist jeder Busch und Stein, Kein Baum sieht den anderen, Jeder ist allein.
Voll von Freunden war mir die Welt, Als noch mein Leben licht war, Nun, da der Nebel faellt, Ist keiner mehr sichtbar.
Wahrlich, keiner ist weise, Der nicht das Dunkel kennt, Das unentrinnbar und leise Von allen ihn trennt.
Seltsam, im Nebel zu wandern! Leben ist einsam sein. Kein Mensch kennt den anderen, Jeder ist allein.
** Photo taken by: Omer Yukseker **